Museer i Odsherred | Museum | Museumsoversigt | Kunstmuseum | Kulturhistorisk museum | Sjælland | Danmark


Photo: Hempel Glasmuseum

Nordeuropas største private glassamling, Familien Swanes velbevarede kunstnerhjem og en omfattende samling af Odsherredsmalernes stemningsfulde værker. Det er blot nogle få af de mange store museumsoplevelser, som venter i Odsherred med det inspirerende istidslandskab lige uden for murene.

Odsherred Museum
Photo: Odsherred Museum

Odsherred Museum

A museum for the whole family with exhibitions of various cultural-historical periods in Odsherred - from ancient times to modern tourism.

The museum offers summer activities for children, a museum sho...

Odsherred Art Museum
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Odsherred Art Museum

Art from Odsherred through times with special focus on landscape paintings. The essence of the collection is the generation of Odsherred Painters from the 1930s, who focused on Odsherred.

The Odsherred...

Photo: VisitOdsherred


Malergården is like entering a time pocket. An authentic artist home where the light and the smells in the old rooms are the same which met and inspired the artist Sigurd Swane and his family. Here yo...

Hempel Glass Museum
Photo: Hempel Glasmuseum

Hempel Glass Museum

Experience Northern Europe's largest private glass collection, ranging from antique glass to modern glass art. And enjoy the beautiful light in the unique buildings, which offer a fantastic view of Ny...


Psychiatry Museum of Nykøbing Sjælland

Thrills and adventure are waiting for you at the museum where you get acquainted with the conditions people lived and worked under at the psychiatric hospital during the 20th century.

The museum is a w...

Odsherred Fire Museum
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Odsherred Fire Museum

Fireman for a day? Visit Odsherred Brandmuseum in Asnæs and see the more than 20 fire engines from 1864 and up till 1970.

Many of the vehicles may be touched and tried, and you can also see the large c...

NKT Museum
Photo: VisitOdsherred

NKT Museum

Explore pictures, posters, machines etc. that tell about exciting Danish electricity industry history through more than 100 years.

NKT, which is one of Denmark's large industrial companies, has been ...

Ulvsborg Medieval Centre
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Ulvsborg Medieval Centre

A nobleman's manor from the 11th century in Odsherred. Go 860 years back in time to the Year 1150 during the reign of the lenient King Sven III. Here on the Nobleman's manor the visitors can follow th...

Lumsås Mill
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Lumsås Mill

Working mill museum. Experience the old craft, the impressive
constructions and the beautifully decorated interior. The mill is open as stated and when the white mill arms are turning.

Sale of flour as...

Odsherreds Trafikmuseum
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Odsherreds Trafikmuseum

Buy a ticket for a time travel through traffic history
Traffic history is the story of changing times, and the traffic museum in the warehouse at Hørve Station tells the story of the development of pub...


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