Kunstgallerier | Gallerier | Billedkunst | Kunsthåndværk | Odsherred | Sjælland | Danmark


Photo: Lars Wahl

Find vej til Odsherreds mange spændende kunstgallerier, billedkunstnere og kunsthåndværkere.

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Photo: Anneberg Kulturpark


Unique sculpture park with 17 sculptures, each of which shows an interpretation of one of the UN's 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

The permanent sculptures have been created by a total o...


AKIO: Aktive Kunstnere i Odsherred

Experience unique works in painting, watercolour, applied art etc.

AKIO is an association of approximately 60 artists who exhibit from the beginning of June till the end of August at the harbor in Ny...

Anders Schrøder
Photo: VisitOdsherred
Atelier Mikipe
Photo: Atelier Mikipe

Atelier Mikipe

Studio with alternating exhibitions. Permanent artist, Minna K. Pedersen. Oil paintings and unique collages of handmade paper and acrylic.

Berit Othman
Photo: Berit Othman

Berit Othman

Beautifully located studio with exhibition of acrylic paintings and sculptures in papier maché.

Paintings expressed in strong colours through a dialogue between recognizable symbols and playful abstr...

Birgitte Kitamoto
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Birgitte Kitamoto

Workshop and boutique with pottery in happy colours and simple shapes.

Bowls, cups, jars and plates.

Unique handicraft.

Opening hours: Visit www.kitamoto.dk
Cirkulær Design v/Ulla Vedel
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Cirkulær Design v/Ulla Vedel

Applied art in porcelain, stoneware and high-burnt pottery. Handmade tile-top tables. Exhibition of paintings and water colours. 

Also open by appointment.

Det Blå Atelier v/Susanne Wex
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Det Blå Atelier v/Susanne Wex

Gallery and studio in the middle of a large and beautiful garden. Nature can be recognized on the abstract expressions in the paintings. Colourful accrylics and egg-tempura paintings. Open garden.


Flemming H
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Flemming H

Multi art on canvas and on furniture. Water colours and stoneware. Large selection of art cards.

Open every first Saturday of the month from 12noon to 4pm as well as by appointment.

Fotokunst i Mikro-Makro
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Fotokunst i Mikro-Makro

Step into an otherwise hidden world of wonders.

With his breathtaking micro and macro photography, Preben Moth creates a completely different type of pictures than we are used to.

Galleri ARTA 22
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Galleri ARTA 22

Art in a welcoming setting that adds color to the city center.

With a mix of renowned and new young artists, the gallery represents a good breadth in the exhibitions.

Program and opening hours:
Keep ...

Galleri Brantebjerg
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Galleri Brantebjerg

Brantebjerg is a leading exhibition venue in Odsherred and one of the oldest galleries in the area. Since 1979 Brantebjerg has presented Danish and international art up front on the art scene.

With its...

Galleri HaveHuset
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Galleri HaveHuset

Experimental watercolor on paper and canvas, as well as other "media and materials", such as drawing, graphics, photography and oil painting.

Nature, togetherness and experiences are always the under...

Galleri Irenesmalerier
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Galleri Irenesmalerier

An intriguing and poetic gallery with colourful and happy paintings in oil and acrylics by the visual artist Irene Larsen.

The primarioy intuitive paintings appeal to the imagination and often lead the...

Vivian Just
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Vivian Just

Experience a humorous tribute to the animals of the garden and sky painted in watercolor.

Also figurative and non-figurative works in acrylic on canvas.

The gallery is open by appointment and is eas...

Galleri Kjelsmark
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Galleri Kjelsmark

Professional gallery with exhibition, studio and glass workshop, oil paintings, acrylics and glass art.

Welcome inside for a chat about art.

Galleri Laurine
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Galleri Laurine

I live in one of the most beautiful spots in Denmark which offers almost any kind of nature, on the long, narrow isthmus stretching into the sea with Sejerø Bay on one side and Kattegat on the other.


Galleri MOMA Glas
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Galleri MOMA Glas

We have a wide range of unique glass art designed and produced in our workshop. Bowls, dishes, jewellery, games, Hobbit-towns and crazy birds on driftwood from the beaches in Odsherred, Kitchen pictur...

Galleri Nakke Hage
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Galleri Nakke Hage

A relaxed and experimental exhibition venue presenting contemporary artists from the young to the established. 10-12 artists take part in the summer exhibition.

You can expect to see many different sty...

Galleri Strandgården
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Galleri Strandgården

I hav estarted painting courses for beginners at Strandgårdeb during the summer months. See my website  www.galleri-mainsoe.dk

At the middle of Odden between the red church and the Arne Jaklobsen's whi...
Galleri 3G
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Galleri 3G

Modern art in idyllic settings on 150m2 on two floors. A true gem which radiates charm and nostalgia.

Alternating exhibitions of contemporary art from all over the country. Always at least twenty diffe...

Glasværkstedet v/Martin Birk Møller
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Glasværkstedet v/Martin Birk Møller

Versatile glass workshop with unique glass art. Courses in glass blowing are offered throughout the year.

Visits outside opening hours can be arranged on: +45 20 71 07 48

Huset i Asnæs
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Huset i Asnæs

Artist-run exhibition space/gallery with painting, sculpture, graphics and crafts.

Every year, you can experience 8-10 different exhibitions of contemporary art by both local artists and well-known D...

Inge Prier Galleri
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Inge Prier Galleri

In my exciting gallery you find my tall slim sculptures, often grouped with people as the primary theme and with its enturely own story.
"To take the time to absorb the sculptures of Inge Prier is lik...
Johannes Balsgaard
Photo: VisitOdsherred
Karin Lykke
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Karin Lykke

Nature is calling
Visual artist Karin Lykke paints with great love for nature. Sensitive and powerful at the same time, preferably in liquid color pigments - and preferably in large formats. The sky, s...


Karin Sauer Keramisk Værksted og Galleri

Unique items in a simple idiom. For fun and serious. Sculptural works, applied art jewellery in raku, stoneware and porcelain.

- Member of Danske Kunsthåndværkere

When I received my certificate as a pot...
Keramik og Kaos
Photo: Palle Jørly Jensen

Keramik og Kaos

Workshop, shop and gallery with unconventional stoneware -
a magic mixture between the culture of the Far East and Danish handicraft.

King Kong Art
Photo: VisitOdsherred

King Kong Art

Rustic jewellery in various metallic combinations as well as sculptures out of scrap metal in new formations, inspired by expressions of past cultures.

Galleri Lynge
Photo: VisitOdsherred
Photo: VisitOdsherred



  • Kasper Købke: 6 fantastic works telling the story of Denmark, Odsherred and Højby from the Viking Age to the present (drawing)
  • Arne Haugen Sørensen: 'Sankt Jørgen og Dragen' (relief)
  • ...
Artwork in the City Passages
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Artwork in the City Passages

Get a free art experience on a detour from the shopping life on the pedestrian street in Nykøbing Sjælland.

Nine of the city passages connecting Algade with the surrounding districts are decorated wi...


The Artist Wing in Anneberg Kulturpark

Experience a wide variety of art and working workshops in the Artists Wing, which brings together several artists under one roof.

The Artists' Wing is part of Anneberg Culture Park, which is beautifu...

Mette Møller Bovin
Photo: Palle Jørly Jensen

Mette Møller Bovin

A timeless modernist who masters the transformation of naturalistic starting points into rhythmic and dynamic compositions.

Whether the subject is a plowed field in Odsherred, a river, a meadow, a bo...

Photo: VisitOdsherred


The artist group MORILD and guest artists exhibit a collection of art and handicraft.

Further info on: www.morild-kunst.dk

Nielsen, Bøgh and Folke
Photo: Nielsen, Bøgh og Folke

Nielsen, Bøgh and Folke

Artist collaboration with ceramics, visual art and jewelry.

The ancient nordic nature of the exhibition is a beautiful interplay between Charlotte Nielsen's coarse and finely shaped ceramics, Charlot...

OG Galleri
Photo: VisitOdsherred

OG Galleri

Grethe works with monotype printing, collage and painting.

Ole creates sculptures in wood based on life forms.

Always open by appointment.

Olaf Christiani Keramik
Photo: Olaf Christiani Keramik

Olaf Christiani Keramik

Beautifully located ceramic workshop with an exhibition of vases, sculptures, dishes and lidded jars. At Olaf Christiani you can experience unique craftsmanship in constant development.

Working with ...

Photo: VisitOdsherred


Large, censored artisan market at Nykøbing Sjælland harbor with emphasis on quality and versatility.

Meet a large number of Denmark's best professional craftsmen and designers at the many stalls.


Photo: VisitOdsherred


Beautiful exhibition rooms, which form the framework for exhibitions by local, national and international artists.

Here you can experience a varied program with 8-9 art exhibitions during the year. A...

Sanddobbernes Galleri
Photo: Sanddobbernes Galleri

Sanddobbernes Galleri

The newly decorated gallery at Sanddobberne Camping presents

  • Pictures by Ida and Clara Trier
  • Ceramics by Pia Kingo and others
  • Arts and crafts
  • Gift shop

The gallery is open every Wednesday fro...

"Sjællands Mindste Galleri"
Photo: VisitOdsherred

"Sjællands Mindste Galleri"

Small and cosy gallery with a lot of paintings in oil and acrylics.
Many of the paintings are inspired by the scenic nature surrounding the gallery.

Otherwise open when the sign by the main road has a f...

Photo: Steengalleriet


Exhibition of own granite sculptures and figures in the gallery's exciting 2,500 m2 sculpture garden.

From May 1 - August 30, you can also experience paintings and guest exhibitions in the sculpture ...

Photo: Stokrosebanden
Svinget keramik
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Svinget keramik

Workshop and exhibit of ceramic sculptures and unique items.

From May to September, the workshop is open when the artist is at home.

Driving directions: From Rørvigvej drive down Jacobsvænge.


Tabitha Rundin - Galleri 18
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Tabitha Rundin - Galleri 18

The gallery is situated in lovely nature with a view of Nykøbing Bay. Tabitha Rundin exhibits her own works in acrýlics on canvas.

The source of inspiration is nature, people and things from the everyd...

Photo: VisitOdsherred


I have changed an old transformer station into Denmark's maybe smallest art gallery. Here my watercolours are exhibited throughout summer, from Whitsun till October.

I never paint the same motif twice ...

Trine Kent
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Trine Kent

Visual artist with a penchant for light, nature and moods.

Trine Kent works with the present full of life and sensations.

Photo: VisitOdsherred


Open workshop with exhibition. Handicraft items for everyday use in completely turned wood - up to 110 cm in diameter. Wooden handicraft.
Unique specimen turned in wood directly from the trunk. Sculptu...

Tue Keramik Galleri & Marianne Væv

Discover Marianne Poulsen's tapestries and weaving as well as Tue Poulsen's ceramics, sculpture, bronze, jewelry, sketches, design, bronze, unique stoneware and porcelain.

Visit the atmospheric sculp...

Vallekilde Keramik
Photo: Vallekilde Keramik

Vallekilde Keramik

Workshop and exhibition of joyful and expressive ceramics, unique items and series.

Also open by appointment on Tel: +45 27 51 78 54

Wahl Fotografi
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Wahl Fotografi

Lars Wahl is a trained advertising photographer and works with commercial and artistic assignments in his studio in Nykøbing Sjælland.

Several times a year, the door to exhibitions of various persona...

Galleri Ærtebjerg
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Galleri Ærtebjerg

Working studio and gallery with own works.
Anstract and nature-inspired oil paintings, watercolours etc.

Opening hours: Only as per agreement


Woodmand Art & Trædrejeri v/ Jan Misiak

Unique items and crafts created out of fascination
Do you know the feeling of standing in the forest and following the tree's exciting journey to the sky? All the while letting your eyes wander over th...

Øssur Mohr
Photo: VisitOdsherred

Øssur Mohr

Faroese art in Odsherred by a Faroese painter.

Øssur Mohr's works reflect an eternal quest and longing to recreate the fleetingness of the moment and the transformation of the flash of light. A relen...


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