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Kongsøre Camping Shelters

Shelter site located right up the Istidsruten - the new cycle route that opened in 2020 and which stretches over 260 km through 5 municipalities. The location means that you can easily reach the place by bike, on foot or by water.

Individuals, families or groups are welcome to use the site's shelters at low prices.

Kongsøre Camping is part of Friluftsnet Nordvest.

The site has three shelters and a fire pit. If you want to use the fire pit, you can always buy dry firewood in the kiosk.

Option to use the campsite's service facilities with kitchen, shower and toilets.

There is plenty of space around the shelters to park your bike if you are on a cycling holiday.

Book a place
Reservations for both large and small groups take place at https://onlinebooking.camp/kongsoerecamping, or by sending an email to kontakt@kongsoerecamping.dk

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