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Activity and meeting place centrally located in the quarter of the maritime heroes in Havnebyen. Here you have many opportunities for hours to let your creativity and imagination run wild.

Place for games and activities
Take your equipment from home (football, handball, frisbee, petanque, croquet) and use paper and pencil or a mobile phone to take result notes. Try different game variants and you will gradually get better.

You can buy tournament tickets, refreshments and more in the SuperBrugsen at Oddervej 217, where you can also use the toilet.

Enjoy the mini-park and the historical significance
You can also enjoy only the mini park with its flowers, oaks and the exciting historical knowledge transfer and visualization of the historic battle of Sjællands Odde from the year 1808.

Four large beer tent sets with grill have enough space for groups.

Meet new people
If you have come alone to the place of the heroes of the sea, then you can certainly practice on your own. Or you may be lucky to meet other people who also like to talk about history or compete.

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